Hosewear makes bags out of recycled firehose

Hosewear is a young Estonian company (or dare I say startup) that makes bags out of recycled firehose. Ironically, written-off firehouse would otherwise be burnt. Ivar, the young man behind the project, contacted me about a year ago to discuss this up-cycling idea he had. I once led a successful project which made carrier bags out of used PVC ad banners of a supermarket chain, which were then sold in the very same chain, hence the contact.

Ivar was toying with the idea of using PVC banners for something, but ended up using firehose as the material. I like the idea of up-cycling and I liked the bag designs, so I volunteered to help with marketing and copywriting matters. This summer I also made a small investment in Hosewear.

Hosewear will not save the world, but there will be a little less smoke and waste due to its up-cycled bags, plus I hope you’ll agree the bags look damn good. Feedback and ideas welcome.

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